All things Dressing Stone.
*I know I am supposed to insert an author’s bio in here somewhere, and I promise I will as soon as i can figure out exactly who I am.
This site contains (will contain) blog postings about, and readings from the novel Dressing Stone. The readings (Under Construction) will be of various durations, starting with short pity excerpts (under 30 seconds), extended passages (anything from 5 minutes and up), and finally the entire first chapter.
The blog postings will run the gamut from author interviews, to book details, to art esoterica, to literary minutia, and to scene excerpts, which will include a few scenes that did not ultimately end up in the book. Most of these excerpts will also be made available as readings.
Dressing Stone is a novel about art, about an artist and about what it takes to make art. The art making process writ large, including all the attendant problems an artist must overcome to find success. These elements all play a major role the story.
The novel is set in a very specific moment in time, beginning on March 21, 1994. The setting is Park Slope, Brooklyn and the first two thirds of the story follow the action in and around NYC, the final part involves a cross country road trip, landing in Seattle on the evening of the discovery of Kurt Cobain’s suicide.
The postings will flesh out details of the places and historical moments in the novel. Other posting flesh out details of art references, terminology and the general esoterica entangled with the characters that the reader may or may not be familiar with.
For a synopsis and story details, see the Synopsis(link above) or Book Description Pages
Finally, this being a site about a novel about art, as an artist, I will be occasionally posting images and videos made by myself that I hope you will find pleasing to look at.
Goodreads reviews for Dressing Stone*
Reviews are of 1st edition: Previously titled: *Passing Fancy. Please see Author Interview Part 2 for title change info.